It's baaaaaccccckkkkkkk!!!!
Dearest My Peeps,
The title totally has eery music playing with it, just in case you didn't hear it when you read it. It's totally there. Winter has returned. Well, it's definately trying to return. It rained most of the day, it wasn't really cold. After dark the temperature dropped to the negative degrees & the rain thankfully stopped. But my car was still all wet, so the doors totally froze shut. ARGH! I had to get my coworker's drive to open it for me. I was totally tugging on it with both hands as hard as I could & I could NOT get it to open. The lad got out, tugged once, MAYBE twice & it popped right open. STupid door. I felt like such a blonde.
Not that I am blonde anymore. I totally got my hair dyed dark red. I'm thinking about going brighter red next time, but for now, I like it. I've always wanted red hair. I suppose, if I'd had it, I'd have hated it, but that's okay. I've always had red tints; it actually was starting to look copper if the light hit it right before I got it dyed. But I wanted red hair entirely, not sorta red that everybody calls brown.
Everything else is peachy keen. I definately need to get a portable hair-dryer. To be specific a chargeable one that doesn't need a plug in. Because the next step after door frozen shut is door frozen open. Stupid door.
Anyhow, I'm headed out. I'm going to clean my room up a bit Patrick is coming over for a bit on Sunday & nobody is allowed to see my room in the state that it's in, except like my immediate family. Even if he weren't coming over, I'd still have to clean; I've been finding bug carcasses again. I mean, carcasses are definately way better than live bugs, but I don't like bugs period. Dead or alive. Creepy things. If I didn't know better, I'd almost think God had created something entirely useless. But I'm sure they have their uses, even if the uses are entirely only to remind me that earth is not my permanant home. That's still a use.
And I need to get a couple of mouse traps. I think I've been hearing them in the walls again. I had one last winter. Daddy put down poison (forbid me to touch it, as if I'd want to anyway!) & a couple of traps with peanut butter on them. After a week or so I was standing upstairs & over a room and I heard this loud snap. I was talking to Daddy at the time and I was all like, "I bet I know what that was!" He didn't believe me, but when I came to my room 2 minutes later, sure enough, there was a mouse in the mouse trap. Poor mouse. Ah well, it's the stupid things own fault. If it has to exist, it needs to exist in such a way that I don't learn of it's existance. Very similar too spiders. If I don't know they're there, great. Once I do, I won't rest until they're dead & can't touch me. Scary monster beasts!
So I'm really going to go this time. Happy day!
Vicky Ellen
"There is not enough time for all the nothing that we want to do." -Bill Watterson