Friday, August 20, 2010

An interesting idea.

When you get a moment, write down in a journal EVERYTHING about yourself as far back as you can remember....friends you had or still have, good times you shared, bad times, different places you lived, opinions you used to have, people from different walks of life you have met, special brief moments that for some reason you still remember, who you are get the picture. During those times when you feel like you have done nothing in your life, feel like you have meant nothing and maybe forgot who you are..go back and read what you wrote. You'll find you're quite an interesting person and you may just even learn more about yourself :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Quizzing Again

Props to Kelly Macan for the quiz

1. Who was your last text from? Douglas or Patti. I forget

2. Where was your default picture taken? Default Picture? I have one of those??

3. Whats your middle name? Ellen

4. Whats on your mind? Nothing I care to share with people.

5. Does your crush/GIRLfriend/BOYfriend like you back? I don't have one at the moment. One has me, but not vice versa.

6. What is your current mood? Neutral

7. What is your mom's name? Linda

8. What color shirt are you wearing? Lime Green

9. Are you close with your dad? Depends on the day.

10. If you could go back in TIME and change something, would you? That would depend on all the variables specific to that situation. I like me the way I am and changing anything would change me. I would want to know outcomes first.

11. Have a crazy side? Have a crazy side, live in the land of crazy, take your pick.

12. Ever had a near death experience? Ew. Yes.

13. Something you do a lot? Obsess. Dither.

14. Angry at anyone? I am uncertain.

15. Favorite Month? September/October

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Sir Ian McKellan

17. When was the last time you cried? Sometime this week I'm sure.

18. If you could have one super power what would it be? Exact change! To always have exact change whenever I want it for WHATEVER I want. IF that doesn't could, transformation.

19. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hygiene

20. What do you usually order from Starbucks? I've never actually ordered from Starbucks. Backwoods, remember?

21. Favorite TV show(s)? Avatar:The Last Airbender

22. Do you still watch kiddy movies? This is me. Well, duh!

23. What are you eating or drinking at the moment? There's a bottle of Pepsi somewhere handy that I'm working on.

24. Do you speak any other language? Oui, un peu de francais.

25. Whats your favorite smell? Vanilla

26. Describe your life in one word. Vicky

27. Have you ever kissed in the rain? Hmm..... I don't know.

28. Ever kissed on the beach? Nope.

29. What are you thinking about right now? The last (only) person I kissed. I miss him.

30. What should you be doing? Something productive.

31. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? I plead the 5th... even though I am not a US Citizen and never intend to be.

32. What are you listening to? Jasper's Fan (Jasper is my laptop)

33. Do you like working in the yard? Outside!? EW! No.

34. Do you ever want to get married? kids? Maybe. I doubt it to either, but maybe.

35. Do you act differently around the person you like? Please refer to question 5...

36. What is your natural hair color? Born Blonde, since darkened to copper.

37.Who was the last person to make you smile? Jacqui.

38. What is your favorite meal at your favorite fast food restaurant? Chicken with pickles.

39. Do you cut out coupons? Sometimes.

40. What is the weirdest thing under your bed? Christmas Wrapping Paper