Sunday, July 30, 2006

I haven't died. Honestly.

Dearest My Peeps,
No I haven't died within the past few weeks. I haven't been blogging hardly at all, but I really didn't die. I hope to goodness that wasn't a very big concern, but hey, I can never be too careful. I wouldn't want to cause you all to have some great big worry fit.

Not too much is new. I'm leaving on the 1st of August to go to Salisbury for a few days. Then I leave there on either the 3rd or 4th to go to Grand Manan. I'll leave the 3rd if you can use debit on the island for the boat. If I can't use my debit card to get on the boat, I'll leave the 4th (pay day) so I can get cash out over here on the mainland. I know they don't have a Royal Bank on the island at all, that's why my sister switched banks. It was too hard to use a bank that you can't go to unless you take a 1.5 hour boat ride & then drive another hour. Go figure.

Anyway, she gets married the 5th. Then I'm leaving there the 6th, probably on the 11 o'clock ferry and heading home through Fredricton. *gleeful dance, stopping so I don't hurt myself*

The gleeful dance is because of who is in Fredricton that I will get to see. It'll have been exactly 4 weeks since I've seen Pat and goodness I had forgotten how slow time can go when you are looking forward to something. Well, in this instance, someone. There're still 5 weeks to go before he's back up for school again too. Oi. Well, I'll see him next week, and then he has to come up for a day on the 2nd last week of August to do some registration and papery stuff, so I'll see him then too.

It works out that I'll see him once every two weeks until he comes back anyway. I'll take what I can get I suppose. I do like him so. Pat's just so... incredibly awesome. I'm very looking forward to September, let me tell you.

However, I'm headed out. It's 2 am and I am sleepy. Have a great .. umm... well, I'll say week to cover myself. Goodness knows when I'll think to be back again. Honestly. I'm such a bad blogger. I'm sorry if I am a disappoint to you dearest My Peeps. It's entirely unintentional, I assure you.

Have a great night. Cheers!
Vicky Ellen
"Never fight an inanimate object." -P. J. O'Rourke

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Blogging Excitedly

Dearest My Peeps,
I wanted to come on last night to blog excitedly. In fact I had the window open and everything. But then it started to rain. So me being who I am, I ran outside to bask in the heavy, drenching, pouring rain. Whilst I was basking in the rain, before if started to ease up, there was this loud "BANG!" & for a split second it was as light as the middle of the day. I waited till the heavy rain eased up (me being who I am) and went to turn off my important eletronics & unplug their power bars.

I thought of you all though, dearest My Peeps. I'll probably even blog a semi-normal blog in my old blog at Xanga. Yuppers. *GLEE* So, you'll all remember Pat, right? I sure hope so as I've mentioned him on a regular basis. At least once in every post so far.

Yes, well, you could also probably have concluded that I really like him. If you had concluded thus, you would have been right. Anyway, this past weekend I went to visit my brother, and in turn, Pat, owing to the fact that they live in the same city for the summer. Anyhow, we've been seeing each other for awhile, but it wasn't offically dating or anything.

It's offical now! Pat's my boyfriend!

That's not the main point though, the fact that I have a boyfriend. That's far from the important bit. I would have stayed single for years if need had arisen. The IMPORTANT bit is that my boyfriend is Pat. *MORE GLEE* It wouldn't do to have just any old lad for a boyfriend. No sir. He needs to be someone special & important. Not just special & important, because I'm sure there are other special & important guys somewhere in the world. It needs to be Pat. And it is! And I have his permission to blog excitedly about that fact! And tell everybody I know about that fact!

Not that I necessarily need permission, but it's only polite to ask before you go raving to every person of importance in your life. Somehow though, I've only told 4 people. My mum, my brother, my Jacqui & my friend Patti. She's home for a few days, visiting from Perth, Ontario. It's near Ottawa, only on the far side I think. I want to tell everybody, but somehow I never seem to be able to work it into the conversation. I've been trying though, you can be sure of that. And when I take it into my mind to do something, well, you can bet that I will get it done!

Thus, the world will know that I have a boyfriend. And much more importantly, it's Pat. *GLEE* *considering a happy dance, but not wanting to scar My Faithful Peeps for life*

However, it's 12:34 and I need to go get ready for work. I work at 2 and it's a half hour drive. I still need to get dressed (I'm already showered) & eat & get my stuff together & make sure I have the ASM book to take in with me & all that fun stuff.

So have a super day. Be safe & all that. I'll be back sometime I'm sure.

Vicky Ellen
"All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats." - Groucho Marx

Monday, July 10, 2006

Home again.

Dearest My Peeps,
So this is me, being home again. It's always nice to come back after having been away. At least, that's what I remind myself when I have to come home but don't really want to.

I had an excellant weekend. I went to one of my brother's friend's going away parties with him at Boston Pizza. It was pretty nice. Then I went home and read for a while before bed. Sunday morning I went to church at the Fredricton PAOC (Pentcostal Assemblies of Canada) with Douglas. It's where he attends, not to mention that when I manage to not have to work Sundays, it's what I attend, only here instead of there, since I don't live there. Go figure, eh? I doubt many people would want to drive two hours each way just to go to church on Sunday. Especially not when there's one not even five minutes down the street from them.

Anyway, then we went out to Burger King for lunch with Doug's roommate Shane and two girls from the church. After that, we went back to the apartment, I went on MSN to see if Pat was there & they watched the World Cup. After I talked to Pat for a while & we settled on a time, place and all that stuff for getting together, I had an hour nap. Then I freshened up and met Pat at five.

We went back to his place and I got to meet his folks. They're very nice, and he tells me that they liked me well enough too, so I'm pleased. They remind me alot of my folks actually. That is quite a compliment too, considering that I have a great deal of respect for my parents, not to mention affection. Then we went to the movie. Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest. Wow it was an awesome movie! WOW! It's probably a good thing I have somebody braver than myself with me, it was throughly action packed, but that's fine. It doesn't take much to be braver than me really.

(Short aside: If you watch the movie, make certain to tough it out & sit through the credits. There's this incredibly awesome scene at the end!)

But man, if I can ever get my hands around the necks of the powers that be, there are going to be some seriously hurting people! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE SUCH GOOD MOVIES HAVE SUCH CLIFFHANGER ENDINGS!? And the last one doesn't come out till NEXT YEAR! THE CRAZINESS! CRAZINESS I Say, CRAZINESS!!!! SAVE US ALL!

Sorry. I'll stop screaming now. (Stupid gits! <-In reference to the powers that be) Anyway, when the movie was over, we went to Mexicali Rosa's (I'm not sure if that's spelt right) for supper & then back to his place to watch "MirrorMask". The remote was in his sister's room & I think she was sleeping, so we didnt' get to watch the special features, but that's alright. I was concerned with the company than the movie. And it was most excellant company I must say. Most excellant indeed.

Anyhow, I'm heading out for now. I'm talking to Pat and Douglas and Tania on MSN, so I'm going to go and give them my full attention, like I should have been all along. Have a super day!

Vicky Ellen
"Men must think, for when a man thinks, hell trembles." -Albert Schweitzer

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fredricton at last!

Dearest My Peeps,
Here I am in Fredricton at long last. The last two weeks seemed to just drag on forever, but I'm here now. And all too soon I'll be going home again. That's the one problem with looking forward to good times. The good times get over WAY too fast and leave you with little more than fond memories. Not to knock on fond memories, they are entirely awesome in their own right after all.

Speaking of fond memories, there are several about to be made this evening. Pat and I are going to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and then out for food of some sort after. I'm incredibly excited about the whole thing. I mean, YAY! Movies, food AND incredible personage all in one fell swoop. It just works out so well.

I went to church with my brother this morning. It's the first time I've been in ages, what with almost always working Sunday. It was very nice. I'd forgotten how much I tend to miss it when I don't get out on at least a semi-regular basis. Ah well, life tends to go on in spite of all that. And it's not like going to church is the basis of my salvation either. It's nice, recommended and helpful, but not required by any stretch of the imagination. To be honest, it's quite a good thing going to church isn't what saves a person. I'd be going to hell in a bobsled if that were the case and I'm very NOT keen on the idea of hell. Eternal raging heat, not to mention the separation from God, friends & family. God being the most important of the three, obviously. Friends & family have to tie for 2nd, since I love them all as if they were family. It's just the way I am. Once I am your friend, you're pretty much stuck with me. You'd have to hurt me pretty bad to make me back off & even then I'd still be there if you needed help.

Anyhow, I'm headed out for now. I'm talking to Pat on MSN & considering having a nap before we get together tonight. Have an awesome day out there in the land of make-believe.

Vicky Ellen
"Truth has no special time of it's own. It's hours is now - always." -Albert Schweitzer

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Coming back to a certain topic of Import

Dearest My Peeps,
Howdy hey out there in the land of make believe. There isn't really all that much new. I'm talking to Pat on MSN for the first time in a few days and that's super nice. I was playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (and doing pretty aweesome, I might add) for a while, but I stopped when I realized that he had came online. Throughout the whole thing I've had Monster's Inc. playing in the background. It's just getting over, but I still have a couple of the shorts to go through. Mike's New Car and For The Birds. It's been ages since I've watched it after all.

But coming back to a certain topic of Import ;), Daddy is home from the hospital. It was definately a mini-stroke. They ran a few tests, are going to run more & are switching up his medicine some. So hopefully it's all good. He's also getting in to see the specialist at the end of the month. That's really super awesome, it normally takes forever and a day to get into see a specialist. It's partially to do with the fact that he's had to see this specialist before. Hopefully this time the lad can fix him so he doesn't break again. MY DADDY! MINE! NO BREAKY! *jabbing bear in the ribs* Ironically enough, after I typed in "bear" the preview for "Brother Bear" came on the TV. That's really cool.

Anyhow, I'm headed out. Treasure Planet will be starting up soon & I'm still talking to that totally awesome guy on MSN. He's so cool. AND I get to see him on SUNDAY! Only 2 full days away! TWO! *tacky happy dance*

So, this is me, leaving, before I scare you all away with my dancing. HAve a super day out there in the land of make-believe. Cheers!
Vicky Ellen
"What is it with men and asking for directions!?" -Dori, from Finding Nemo

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Various Things Of Import

Dearest My Peeps,
It's been a little while since I've been by. Not a whole awful lot has happened since then, but at the same time, it's been craziness.

To start with, I'm working approximately 40 hours a week, give or take a few here and there. That's more than enough to be considered steady. Then the 23rd, 24th and 25th, I went to Grand Manan for my sister's bridal shower. It was very nice & I was definately stoked to get to the ocean, but it was still great to come home again. I think that might be the very best part about travelling. The fact that you get to come home again.

Then yesterday afternoon the most wonderful thing in the whole world happened. My father had another mini-stroke. I mean, YAY! *doing a little dance*

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

If you didn't catch the strong sense of sarcasm, well, let's just say I'm not best pleased about that fact. He is not ALLOWED to be sick. NOT ALLOWED! *jabbing that bear with all my might* MY DADDY! NO SICKY! MINE MINE MINE!

He is mostly alright though. He's in the hospital for a few days. They want to run some tests to see if there're blood clots or anything. I sure hope they can figure out what's wrong at last. It has been awhile though, so that's saying something. They are going to change up his medications some. Maybe that'll help too?

On a much more positive note (no sarcasm at all this time) I'm going to Fredricton to spend time with my Douglas this weekend. I'm off Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Sunday evening I get to spend time with Pat, watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I'm incredibly excited I might add. I mean, yeah, I've been looking forward to the movie ever since I saw the first one, but that's entirely beside the point. I could see that here, or even wait till the DVD if I had to. The movie is just a little extra gravy is all. Or maybe it means that I have my cake, and get to eat it too, icening and all? Anyhow, I'm super stoked about hanging out with Pat. It's going to be a splendiferious evening, I quite assure you all.

Anyhow, that's just about it. Daddy's out a lisence for the time being because of the mini-stroke and I'm going to Fredricton to hang out with my brother and totally awesome friend. I think it just about balances out in the end. I mean I know Daddy should be fine & I know that I'm going to have a super weekend, so yeah. Life goes on, much as it has this past age. (I dunno if that's from Frodo, Bilbo or Gandalf. It's a Lord of the Rings movie quote anyway.)

Have an awesome night/day/time till I type to the world of make-believe again. Cheers!
Vicky Ellen
"Life is a tragedy for those who feel & a comedy for those who think." -Jean de la Bruyere