Friday, April 20, 2007

Hooray for no sneezes!

Dearest My Peeps,
I'm mostly better. I don't know who all cares, if anybody, but that's beside thep oint. I'm still slightly stuffed up, but nothing like I was. And hooray! There's no sneezing involved anymore. At least, hardly any at any rate.

Not much else is new. Patrick & I are going to his friend's wedding on May 5th. Not that it's new, but it's closer now, so it matters now. I totally even have a new shirt & everything. I needed one. I wasn't showing up in the scruffy stuff I have now for it. Nope, uh-un, nothing doing. It's a wedding & I have more respect for people than that.

Anyhow, I'm headed out for now. I posted something accidentally instead of saving as draft, so I took that as a sign from God that I should blog. Rather, as a sign that I'm far too tired to be allowed near a computer, but none the less, it resulted in a blog.

Cheers to you! Cake & cookies too!
"If Christians won't live like Jesus and reach out to the dead & dying, who will?" -Jeff Weston

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