Thursday, April 19, 2007

Still a cold.

Dearest My Peeps,

So I've still got that stupid cold. It's not nearly so frustrating though. The advil finally kicked in yesterday and made my head stop hurting. After that, I spent the day being sleepy. I managed not to have a nap though and was in bed by 10:30 last night. I discovered that the oen problem with going to bed early is that you get up that much earlier as well because you've slept 11 hours and you can't sleep anymore. Oh well, c'est la vie. My nose is still stuffy, but I'm not sneezing mucho grande.

I actually feel a little better about myself too. I developed my cold over Tuesday evening whilst at home. Lad at work developed one Tuesday night at home whilst sleeping. So it's totally not just me. It's not completely because I'm a stupid moron that I've managed to catch this cold. It's partially just that it's making its rounds of everybody and anybody it feels is vunerable.

Stupid vunerability.

Cheers to you! Cake & cookies too!
God bless!
"If you fell down yesterday, Stand up today!" -H.G. Wells

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